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Mission and Impetus

Education programs at the Lyric Baltimore are theater and writing-based and support the voice, agency, and creativity of Baltimore area students in grades 5th through 12th. Program participants receive acting and theater training afterschool and write original theater works performed either at the Lyric or at their workshop site. For many students, attendance at a student matinee will be their first opportunity to see a professional theatrical performance. Unfortunately, only 8% of Baltimore City high school students and 15% of students in grades 5th-8th receive weekly instruction in theater. The Lyric’s education programs fill a much-needed instructional gap. Plus, seeing a theater production in a grand, professional venue, helps students gain a visceral understanding of the work and creativity required to develop a meaningful, entertaining production as they create their own original performances.

“Your life is already artful-waiting, just waiting, for you to make it art.”

Toni Morrison

Greenmount West Community Center students during an improvisational scene with the Lyric Education team

Horizons Theater Workshops

Greenmount West Community Center students during an improvisational scene with the Lyric Education team

Rising Up! Creating Your Own Lyric

Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women  student at head wrapping workshop, excited happy

Acting, Playwriting and Poetry Workshops

Who Are We?


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We are professional performing artists, writers and educators who believe training in the arts can transform a young person’s life. Our in-school and after-school programs in theater and creative writing support the voice and agency of young people.